Summary Of Frankenstein By James Whale Film

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Frankenstein, a James Whale film, is one of the most well-known films that is a part of the classical period in the horror film genre. To alter Frankenstein to that of the postmodern period, one would have to change the overall aesthetics and sense of style that the film portrays. The narrative of the classical genre film, Frankenstein, has a simple and direct structure with a clear sense of time and space. The film would have to have evidence of a manipulation within its structure by deconstructing the properties of time and ultimately have a non-linear chain of events. In the classical period the narrative is linear in the fact that the story being displayed is presented in a chronological manner; thus; having no flashback or flashforwards. For example, when Frankenstein created the monster, the monster later killed a child, and this later caused an uprising in the town to kill the monster and so on. …show more content…

For example, once Frankenstein creates life and says, “Now I know what it’s like to be God,” the lightning makes a loud and sharp sound to create a sense of empowerment. For the film to be set in the postmodern period it must have sound or music that alludes former pieces of work. Also, the music used in the classical period film would have to be more of a stylistic choice rather than being used to enhance an image by providing more depth. Because the sound in the classical period film, Frankenstein, is matched with images in the classical period film, there is an understanding that the sound is essentially diegetic. For the film to be postmodern period the lines dividing diegetic and nondiegetic must be

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