Freedom Is Slavery By George Orwell Analysis

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“Freedom Is Slavery” Gorge orwell 1984 Jesus Chavez “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows”. (Gorge Orwell 1984 pg 81). In this essay I will be evaluating and analyzing the three most effective methods that big brother’s government uses to maintain power over it’s citizens of Oceania. Big Brother used many methods like propaganda, changing history and techology to monitor and control it’s people. The government of big brother rules with an iron fist, the slightlest rebelious gester can cause the person to disaplear and get viperized. The government of Oceania is divided into four different ministries, the ministry of truth, the ministry of propaganda. The ministry of love, …show more content…

One might ask themselves, why is this so effective? The anwer to this is that Big Brothers propaganda sector knows human nature very well. This methods is effective because the ministry of truth, the sector dedicated in controling news, history, and propaganda controls everything that it’s citizens sees. Therefor the rational behind this method is that people accepted things without knowing it, they subconsciencely agree with it. One clear example of this is the “two minute hate”(page-13), a video that appears in the telescreen that encoureges hate. Where a man called Emanuel apears in the screen and “before the two minute hate had procceded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room”(page-13) like if the poeple automatically connected that person with anger, rage and violence. The rational is that the man’s image is reinforced in the minds of the people along with war messeges to help portry the hate connection. However, the two minute hate on the telescreen is not the only way that the propaganda is employed. The other way that propaganda is spread is throughout posters all around town one example of this being the face of their leader Big Brother. The effect of the method of propaganda is not physical but spychological. The human mind is a very powerfull tool that cannot …show more content…

A place where the government monitors and watches everything one does, twenty four hours, seven days a week. That is how the cizitens of Oceania live under the ruling power of Big Brother’s totaliterian state. The last method that Big Brother employs to maintain power is the use of techology to constranly monitor everyones activity. Monitoring peoples life with telescreens is very effective because even “the smallest thing could give you away”(page-62) could give a rebel away. “A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety”(page-62) almost anything really. This is why it is very effective when it comes to observing and controling the citizens of Oceania. The rational behinf this is that is people were watched all day every day they will be more carfull in what they say and do. In this case not talking about overtrouing the state of Big Brother. The government of big brother used telescreens to employ their monitor. Telescreens are big screens that are always on and inputs tv and outputs voice and video recording, they are usualy in the middle of each house where they are able to see everything that the person might be doing. If a person is violating any rule or just talking about killing the state it will be consider as thoughtcrime and will most likely be punished my dead by vaperization or by attending a forced labor camp. In addition of this the effect on the citizens are psychological madness, the fear of