Summary Of Goodin's Slave

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In Goodin’s slave pen, Solomon met other captives, including a free man named Robert, who had also been kidnapped and sold into slavery. In the morning, all the slaves, except Clemens Ray, were marched through Richmond and forced to board a boat called Orleans and continued sailing farther downriver. Burch took Clemens Ray back to Washington, D.C. with him. Solomon later learns that Charles Ray escaped. The Orleans continued down the James River, finally docking in Norfolk, Virginia. More slaves were brought on board, including a large black man named Arthur, who, had been kidnapped from freedom. Then they continued downriver again. As Solomon befriended Arthur and Robert, the three of them plotted to overthrow their captors and escape. However, …show more content…

Freeman was as quick to kick or whip young and old alike. When he was going to sell his slaves he made them dance for customers, and Solomon’s ability to play the Ford’s brother-in-law, Peter Tanner. Tanner was a hard and demanding man but he kept Solomon in relative safety on his plantation. Solomon spent a month on Tanner’s plantation before returning to work for Tibeats.It only took a few days for Tibeats to become violent again. After a minor disagreement, Tibeats attacked Solomon with a hatchet. Again, he was able to disarm Tibeats, but unlike before, didn’t keep hurting Tibeats. Tibeats was so mad he tried to kill Solomon with an axe but he prevented Tibeats from using the axe and finally began to choke Tibeats to death. Solomon finally released Tibeats and ran away. The next hours were filled with danger and fear. Solomon had to go through the Great Pacoudrie Swamp with poisonous snakes and alligators to escape the dogs Tibeats had sent to hunt him down. He eventually finds his way to Ford’s house where he was momentarily housed. Solomon tried to repay by working in Ford’s wife’s garden. After four days, Ford accompanied Solomon back to the plantation in Bayou …show more content…

Buyers came frequently to Freeman’s sales floor over the next days. One man was interested in Solomon, but the price was too high. Other slaves were sold, including Eliza’s son, Randall. “Don’t cry, mama,” Randall says while being taken away, “I will be a good boy,” (Northup 50) After a while, another man purchased Solomon and Eliza. Again, she was distraught, this time at being separated from her daughter, Emily. Moved by her sorrow, the man offers to buy Emily as well, but Freeman refused to sell and they are forced to leave without the child. Solomon and Eliza were transported by their new owner, William Ford, to his home in the “Great Pine Woods,” in Louisiana. William Ford was a very good man and was very kind to them. When they reached the Ford plantation, they were greeted warmly and treated kindly by both Ford’s wife and by his slaves. Eliza got assigned to work in the house and Solomon was sent to work in the lumber mill. They stayed there through the summer of 1841. On Sundays, Ford had a habit of gathering his slaves for a church service, preaching to them and encouraging moral behaviour. Since Ford was such a kind master, Solomon developed a way to move the timber by waterway which saved Ford a lot of money. Solomon earned himself a reputation as the smartest slave in the Pine Woods.. Eventually, Solomon got assigned to work with one of Ford’s hired hands. He was a short-tempered, white carpenter named John M. Tibeats. William Ford was