Summary Of Helping The Middle Class

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The political advertisement “Helping the Middle Class” is a 31 second ad endorsed by the 2012 Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney and funded by the Romney For President, Inc. on October 10, 2012 (Campaign, 2012). Romney For President, Inc. is a conservative political action committee (PAC) based out of Mitt Romney’s home state of Massachusetts (Romney For President, Inc., 2012). This organization raised over 483 million dollars for Mitt Romney’s failed attempt to win presidency over incumbent President Barack Obama (Romney for President, Inc., 2012). During this presidential election, the economy of the United States was still recovering from an economic recession. This recession made the economy one of the most important topics in …show more content…

Romney for President, Inc. exploited this economic situation to promote the “business man” Mitt Romney as the person who could fix the broken American economy. This politically motivated advertisement was designed to appeal to middle class voters who feel like they have been left behind by Barack Obama and his “failed” economic policies. The political ad “Helping the Middle Class”, uses the Aristotelian appeals of logos and pathos and two metaphors to convince its intended audience of middle class voters that Republican challenger Mitt Romney is their better choice to be the President of the United States. “Helping the Middle Class” opens with a statement from Mitt Romney which states the following: “Look at the evidence of the last four years, middle income families have seen their income come down by 4,300 dollars, this is a

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