Summary Of Henry Ford Dialectical Journal

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• Journal 1 – Henry Ford Henry Ford is an Industrialist that is known for the development of the assembly line. Henry Ford is essential to the story. Many World State citizens refer him to a Lord like Christ in Christianity. Even the date is based off of Ford by it being 632 years After Ford. This means it has been 632 years after the first Model T car produced by Ford. Also, humans are not reproduced sexually anymore but are made by other humans similar to cars being made in the assembly lines. This shows that people have lost their morals and are treated like materials. Not many people in World State can think for themselves and none have a choice on what they can accomplish due to the government. They are made one way and will stay that …show more content…

It shows technology can’t be used for everything or humanity will lose its moral. Ovaries are surgically removed from removed so that scientists can make the babies on their own. This is how they choose who will be in what class. This is immoral. People deserve a right to have a chance to be what or who they want to be without the government being too involved. Soma is another device that was made by the government to keep the people oblivious to the truth. Certain people are happier with their positions like Alphas while Epsilons and Delta are forced to hate books and wildlife. All people are equal in birth and in death but in the World State people are in classes or castes. Alphas are looked up to and Deltas are looked down upon. This is similar to real world situations. Many people look at race or how much money a person has as a rank. People with no money are looked down upon while rich are looked up to. People are inspired more by people with more material items than people with more intellect. Another theme is the problems with an all-powerful state. This is a way of saying the government cannot be too involved with their citizens. A better government is a government that is less involved. Lastly, the theme on drugs and technology. Both can take control on a person’s life and become addictive. In the novel, drugs hid the truth on the government wrongs. In reality, drugs take away a person’s ability to be mentally stable. Technology is already a huge aspect on life today but too much of anything is

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