Summary Of Illiana Roman First Job

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In “First Job,” Iliana Roman recalls her learning experiences throughout her work life. Roman’s first point is to remain persistent in the face of difficulty. She also tells to make everything a learning experience. Roman’s third point is to conduct one’s behavior as if they are a role model for all. Roman’s fourth point is for one to give their best effort, as to not let their loved ones down. Roman concludes that one should work with what is best, not what is easiest. Iliana Roman’s article, “First Job,” conveys the idea that work is a way to learn and improve oneself; this proposition stands true. Roman makes three statements in her article that are proven to be true. She says that business and friends do not mix, it is not easy to run …show more content…

President Jackson is credited with the creation of the spoils system; this system put Jackson’s friends in positions of power despite their lack of knowledge of politics. He, like Roman, believed in rewarding his friends for their support however it ultimately led to considerable corruption ( The Miller Center at the University of Virginia informs that Jackson placed his old Army comrade as tax collector of New York City despite warnings from all; this same man fled the country with one million dollars before he was caught by the law (Feller). The spoils system defined 1800’s politics until the civil service reform of the 1880’s, but similar and less significant cases exist to this day. Such as Roman, while unintentional, falling into the trap of the spoils system but she swiftly learned that friends and business do not mix. Roman’s salon taught her many lessons about life and business. She shares that, “It’s not easy running your own business” (Roman 818). Roman realizes that a good business owner does not waste money, time or supplies. She sets a rule for herself to make sure the bills are paid before restocking her supplies. Customer service is very important in business as well. Luckily for her, Roman loves working with customers but “you must compromise – you let them speak their mind” (Roman 819). These business lessons are very valuable to her as she soon acknowledges that starting and operating a business is