Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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In Nicholas Carr's article, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" is to inform the younger, upcoming generations on how the Internet may have negative effects on the human mind, in that, the way in which we abuse the Internet and not let our brains figure things out without the need of searching it on Google. Nicholas Carr begins by explaining how he feels that the Internet is causing his focus issues, in which he cannot keep focus while reading a book. Carr has his own personal experiences with the negative effects of the Internet, and he also provides research on how other writers had agreed with him on the subject to help support his strategies of logos. The use of the evidence from the other writers helps to draw in the reader and show them the effects of the Internet. Apparently reading on the Internet doesn't let people read the entire article and it is seen that they go from page to page, losing focus quickly. Carr uses this information because we as readers can relate to it, like he does as well, which is causing …show more content…

We can be on one Internet site, while looking at another, and yet another. We can be on Face book, while being on Twitter, while being yet on another site, it is very distracting. There are so many things to click on while being on the web and search engines have made it easy and faster to look up information. More people are looking to getting their news information either online or on TV now instead of actually reading the paper. People use the internet to obtain information more quickly and easier, rather the researching for books and articles in the library. Now with Google listing immediately related articles and information related to the search, more to time is available to evaluate the information. Google helps save time by not having to search for answers in hundreds or thousands of pages in periodicals, newspapers and