Summary Of Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite And Neville Cooper

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The cult leaders Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and Neville Cooper were highly charismatic men who proclaimed a compelling message of a better and different world, who as their followers saw as saviors, in part because of the way they portrayed themselves, with having the fixes for their frustrations. For Jones, his appeal was about his Christian approach to their social problems and his beneficial community work Peoples temple offered. With Applewhite his appeal was about giving purpose to those who joined, offering answers to their impossible questions and explanation for why they felt lost. Cooper uses the bible and Christianity to appeal to followers, having them believe this is only way to truly honor God and worship him, by following the rules Cooper set. The majority of the Peoples Temple members were African …show more content…

Culture Theory: Social movements depend not only on resources but of the cultural symbols, People are drawn to a social movement by the cultural symbols that define the cause as just, which motivates them. Resource-Mobilization Theory: Social movements would not be able to succeed without the available resources such as money, labor, and the mass media Structural-Strain Theory: People join together because of their mutual concern of the inability a society is to operate as they believe it should be. Political-Economy Theory: When capitalist economic systems fail to meet the necessary needs, for the majority of people such as healthcare, unemployment, and poverty, social movements arise. New Social Movement Theory: People who join social movements are motivated by quality of life issues not necessarily economic concerns Mobilization is national scope, new social movements arise in response to the expansion of mass media and new