Summary Of John Cooper's 'The Pioneers'

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Summary: The Pioneers takes place in Templeton, New York between 1794 and 1795. The story began discussing about an argument between the Judge and Leatherstocking over who killed a buck. Throughout the argument, Cooper discussed the changes of New York, also Natty talked about what needed to be changed, like the laws for hunting. Natty is charged with two charges, Assault and Battery against Hiram Doolittle; although, he attempted to lighten the sentence by reminding the Judge about when he fed the Judge and recently saved the Judge 's Daughter. Although eventually they were freed towards the end of the book. Oliver and Elizibeth got married
Natty Bumpo: distrustful of civilization, survivalists, indian
Judge Templeton: white, religious, strong (strong as in leadership)
Chingachgook: brave, strong, indian
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Usually Cooper has action in his stories, why did this one not have as much as the other Leatherstocking tales?
Cooper 's tone in the book almost sounds like he is frowning upon Puritan Societies, why does it seem like this?

Key Passage from Chapter I, p. 1 This is the first passage of The Pioneers, it introduces the book. Near the centre of the State of New York lies an extensive district of country whose surface is a succession of hills and dales, or, to speak with greater deference to geographical definitions, of mountains and valleys. It is among these hills that the Delaware takes its rise; and flowing from the limpid lakes and thousand springs of this region the numerous sources of the Susquehanna meander through the valleys until, uniting their streams, they form one of the proudest rivers of the United States. The mountains are generally arable to the tops, although instances are not wanting where the sides are jutted with rocks that aid greatly in