Looking Back In Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut

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In the book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut some people think that looking back at the past is a good thing and it can help to remember things and learn from mistakes. But on the other hand some people in the book believe that looking back is a bad thing because you cannot change things that happen in the past so there is no purpose is looking back. Looking back is on the past is a good thing because it is necessary to learn from mistakes.
One reason for looking back is to learn from your mistakes and this shows that you are human. Vonnegut shows that it is good to look back when he says ““Lot 's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. she did look back, and i love her for that , because it was so human.”(22) Vonnegut is saying that lot 's wife was …show more content…

Vonnegut is saying that when he is home and cannot sleep at night and his wife goes to bed he calls his old girlfriends that he no longer talks to. He does this to try and remember and learn from his mistakes that he made with these girls and better improve his life in the future. This shows that looking back is a good thing because it makes it so you can learn from your mistakes. If you did not look back you would make the same mistakes you made in the past again. In the book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut some people think that looking back at the past is a good thing and it can help to remember things and learn from mistakes. Vonnegut shows this theme throughout the book and shows many examples of how he looks back to learn from his mistakes. Many of his examples of looking back are from the war in dresden. This shows that it is very important that people look back on the past to learn from their mistakes so they do not make the same mistakes