
Summary Of Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Alone, afraid, and unwanted is how Martin Luther King, Jr. explained he felt in “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” King Jr. wrote the letter to several clergyman in Alabama. On April 16, 1963, King, Jr. wrote to several clergy men regarding their recent statement of his present activities. The clergymen referred to his recent activities as “unwise and untimely.” He lets the clergymen know why he is in Alabama. He is serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is an organization operating in every southern state with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights is one of the eighty five organizations across the South. Birmingham asked King …show more content…

Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. (King, para 4). I believe this statement means that anything that happens to one person of the Negro community affects them all. He states, “it is
Long 2 even more unfortunate that the city’s white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative.” By that statement King means the white left the Negro’s no choice but to fight for their right in this divided world. King used some very powerful words in this letter to the clergymen. For anyone who wants to have a nonviolent campaign should use the four basic steps. Which are collection of the facts to determine whether injustice exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action. King and his team went through all of those steps to prepare for Birmingham. We can’t deny that racial injustice is taking over this community. According to King, Birmingham is probably the most segregated city in the United States. Kings use of the unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches is a great way to make everyone’s eyes open in the United States. Kings choice to use facts is great. Racism is a harsh thing in this world we live in. More people should realize that the Negro community should have just as much right as the white

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