Summary Of Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

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President Lincoln’s purpose for delivering the Second Inaugural Address was to reunite a country divided by war. President Lincoln points out that both parties were to blame for the battle and were being judged by God. In the speech, he says that though each party read the same Bible, they both used the word of God against the other. In response to this, President Lincoln used other verses from the Bible in his second inaugural address to help start up the reunification process of the country. He used God’s word to assist the country in moving past its’ disagreements. In the text, it says, “with malice towards none; with charity towards all”, which means to simply be kind to each other and to love one another. This one quote outlined what he believed would be the answer to ending the animosity between his country’s people. He argued that the nation should come together, rather than fight we each other. President Lincoln expressed a deep sadness in the effects that war had on the people. He truly believed that God was punishing them for the evils of slavery and their ignorance to the true meaning of the …show more content…

He has proven once again that he believes in a sovereign God. This inaugural address is referred to as ‘America’s Sermon’ due to God’s key role in the speech itself. President Lincoln uses direct quotes from the Bible to prove his point, further insinuating his strong belief in a higher power. These quotes act as the key components to his speech. It shows his unwavering belief in the word of God. For anyone who has faith in God, this speech catches the attention of its readers. There are many people who use the Bible as a way of separating the people through their interpretation of its words. President Lincoln used his interpretation to unite them, rather than turning them against one another. This showed his need and belief that all people, no matter what color or gender, should get along and be kind to each