Summary Of Little Difference Between Sanders And Trump By Star Parker

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In the article, “Little Difference Between Sanders and Trump,” Star Parker establishes her argument that Sanders and Trump are practically identical despite their opposing political parties by opening her article with the controversy of whom the people of South Carolina should support-- Sanders or Trump. She supports her argument by giving statistics, [logos] then discloses her personal experience about when she switched from a Democrat to a Republican. Ultimately, Parker compares Sanders and Trumps beliefs on where our “massive fiscal imbalance” originated. Also, throughout the article Parker uses pathos in order to make her audience feel irrelevant if the are Democrats, further proving her point that Democrats are responsible for America’s …show more content…

For instance, when Parker says, “In a Pew Research survey done last December, 53% of Republicans said the government doesn’t do enough to help the middle class,” or “In a Reuters poll done last year, nearly 80% of Republicans opposed getting rid of the Social Security and Medicare. 64% opposed getting rid of Medicaid,” she proves just how negligible the Democratic Party’s opinion is to her. She invalidates her support because she only supports her political party’s point-of-view which makes her unreliable. Thus making her argument invalid and ineffectual. Not to mention the fact that she brings up “poor black communities,” which is completely irrelevant and off …show more content…

However, in this particular appeal, his argument is mainly based on making his audience irritated to persuade them to rebel against paying McConnell’s salary. By saying, “Imagine if you tried doing nothing on your job - just drawing your paycheck after ignoring your workload,” Hightower causes his audience to feel resentment towards McConnell because most people work fairly hard wherever they are employed-- even the simplest career does take some effort. Also the statement, “Repair and replace the water pipes that leach lead and are poisoning families all across America? No, he yawns,” causes readers to become infuriated because not only is this action immoral, it is also an injustice that probably caused even more resentment. Most readers will side with Hightower after just reading about his ignorance because it directly affects them in a negative