Summary Of Mugged By An Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison

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Near the end of Ellison's second paragraph, the speaker deals with the emotional consequences of his actions. The speaker realized he should not finish the man off, “slicing the air” as he stared at the “man almost killed by a phantom” (para. 2). The adage of the adage. He feels “disgusted and ashamed” about what he almost did, and faces internal questions. The speaker wonders if this man “would [have] awakened at the point of death” or if “Death himself [would] have freed him for wakeful living” (para. 2). The adage of the adage. The speaker then ran from the scene, “laughing” over the thought the man was “mugged by an invisible man”. 2). The adage of the adage. Ellison conveys the speaker’s complex feelings toward society for producing this