Summary Of Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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In the book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, explains how Douglass brung certain aspects of slavery to light, how is position defender from those who defended slavery, and how does douglass use his story to help his possession. This book also explains how Douglass was a slave and how he help free slaves and make other people change their mind about slavery.

Douglass “throwing light” to slavery
According to Douglass, The American slave system did great harm to both master and slave. For example in his book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, it says, “If a slave was convicted of any high misdemeanor or evinced or running away he would immediately be brought here, and be severely whipped, board the sloop, carried to baltimore, …show more content…

When Frederick’s master was upset with his wife for giving Frederick reading lessons, Frederick’s master wanted to “impress his wife with the evil consequences of giving me instruction” and this “served to convince me of the results, which would flow from teaching me to read.” (Chapter 6) This proves that Frederick's master was cruel and dreadful and wanted to “impress” people on what evil consequences are giving to slaves if they learned to read. Douglass firmly believes that the black man could not be enslaved. Despite the economic necessity, if they were educated and literate. In the book Douglass says, “ I look upon my departure from Colonel Lloyd's plantation as one of the most interesting events of my life. It is possible, and even quite probable, that but for the mere circumstance of being removed from that plantation to Baltimore, I should have to-day, instead of being here seated by my own table, in the enjoyment of freedom and the happiness of home, writing this Narrative, been confined in the galling chains of slavery.” (Chapter 5) This proves that when you are taken from baltimore will make Douglass free and ne day will be able to write his book about how slavery was cruel and not ok for the society. In conclusion, Frederick Douglass in his Narrative asserts that the applying institution of slavery was enabled by the ignorance forced