Summary Of Orientalism In The Bridge Party

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him a conviction that the days were not far when the natives would come to the ruling position and establish self-government in India. Forster has depicted typical colonial attitude through McBryde, the District Superintendent of Police, who, though shocked at Aziz 's predicament, could not but pour forth his racial disgust in these lines, "All unfortunate natives are criminal at heart, for the simple reason that they live south of latitude 30." They are not to blame; they have not a dog 's chance, "we should be like to them if we settled here"(A Passage. P. 164). He has also formed a philosophy that is saturated with prejudice. His speech is an exposure of a harsh judgment in which the dominating colonizers are proud of labeling other races with all sorts of pejorative expressions. All their hatred, grudge and negligence of Orientals produced a discourse through which they labeled them as inferiors. In fact, the discourse that they produced was used as a powerful weapon to label, rule, and persecute the Orientals. This intellectual discourse, of course, is ‘Orientalism’. Actually it is the projection of the colonial power in politics, science, culture, thought and philosophy. The arrogance that Ronny shows towards Indians and discriminatory Bridge party depicts how rudely and inhumanly Orientals were treated at that time. In the Indian subcontinent Oriental discourse worked much better and catered to the taste of natives. Internal conflicts among