Summary Of Patrick Buchanan's Essay Deconstructing America

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Equality: The Rebirth of America In Patrick Buchanan’s essay “Deconstructing America” he mentions in regards of the creation of America, “But that republic and that empire did not rise because the settlers and those who followed believed in diversity, equality, and democracy, but because they rejected diversity, equality, and democracy. (Buchanan 597) Mr. Patrick Buchanan clarifies what the founding fathers of this nation were based, shaped, and modeled by rejecting any close contact with today’s melting pot model, which it led to an era of chaos when this sense of thoughts were implemented. Even though the melting pot model shows how cultural pluralism might create cultural separatism due to America losing its fundamental traditions and …show more content…

Ever since the first birth of America, we have come to realize that it keeps evolving and accepting cultural pluralism, “… That interaction between European settlers and the native people were characteristics of life in all the colonies”. (Carnes and Garraty 48) With that being said, two cultures needed to come together for survivor, which established the beginning of the American melting pot model not leading to cultural separatism, nor America losing its traditions and ideas, but the coming together of Indians and European settlers to make a new nation. “… markedly different people drew from their own traditions to make sense of a new world that little resembled what they knew. In time, their world would become our own”. (Carnes and Garraty 49) This last statement it's another example of what the melting pot model really is, which creates cultural pluralism, but not cultural separatism. Even though, there is certainly tension between the cultures, but is something that brings each and one of them together because the cultural pluralism will create a new mixed world for them. As a result, what happened in the past will again, occur and give birth to a new, but stronger nation. Moreover, this world will have greater qualities that will reflect the new nation's equality. Consisting is a looking at everyone as a whole and not as different, which will reduce negative attitudes, ideas, and