Caritas In Veritate: An Analysis

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The year 2008 definitely did not come without its difficulties, which included issues of war, economy, abortion, and many others. The war in the middle east was rising and an end was not in sight. The United States economy crashed with the finical crisis in 2008, which affected more than just the United States market. Abortion was still an ongoing problem throughout the world. However, these issues are only the tip of the iceberg made from decades of social injustice. In response to these difficult situations, Pope Benedict XVI wrote Caritas in Veritate to explain the key roles of truth and charity in the human development. Right off the back, Pope Benedict XVI replaces the commonly used term of “social teachings” to “social doctrine” in order to give emphasis to the lessons given. The change allows the audience to see the importance of this text. Next, he goes on to explain the connection between charity and the social doctrine by saying “charity is at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine” (CV, no. 2). For, …show more content…

However, justice has been at the focal point of social issues instead of charity. Some believe the best way to achieve in society is with justice or relative justice and charity are only used at an interpersonal level. Pope Benedict XVI denies this reasoning by explaining the relationship between charity and truth, then the relationship between charity and justice. First, “truth frees charity from the constraints of the emotionalism that deprives it of relational and social content” (CV, no. 3). This allows charity to stay grounded and in its truest form of love. This leads into discussing the relationship between charity and justice. Justice by itself only provides a minimum standard for charity. However, “charity goes