Summary Of Shame And Pride In Anorexia Nervosa

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Study development.

In the research article Shame and Pride in Anorexia Nervosa: A Qualitative Descriptive Study, researcher Finn Skarderud starts off by discussion how shame is perceived by clinicians and researchers as being a critical aspect in eating disorders, specifically anorexia nervosa. Due to the fact that this study is based around the concept of shame Skarderud, connects how other researchers and psychologist define shame as well as the subcategories that go along with it (internal and external shame). Furthermore, Skarderud mentions the finding other researchers concluded about correlations between eating disorders and shame. In the article it states “ In general, previous results seem to suggest that persons with eating disorders have elevated rates of both internal shame (negative self-evaluation) and external shame (feeling that others look down on them)” (pg.83, Skarderud, …show more content…

Throughout the beginning of this article Skarderud discusses a variety of different concepts that relates to the actually study of this article, in order to make sure the reader gets a clear understanding of what the point of this study is, and what the concepts discussed refer to.
Research question/hypothesis

The aim of this research study according to Skarderud is “to describe types and subtypes of shame, and their interactions with symptoms and meaning in anorexia nervosa” and “describe the possible role of pride, as contrasting emotional and cognitive experience” (pg.81, Skarderud, 2007). As previously mentioned, the central concept of this study is shame, however; the subcategories of shame make up other concepts (guilt, greed, body shame, etc.) that are used in order to understand the relationship between shame and anorexia nervosa. After the study was conducted the concept of pride became very important