
Summary Of Shame And Survival By Monica Lewinsky

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In Monica Lewinsky’s article “Shame and Survival”, the audience is introduced to the dark side of the internet. Monica Lewinsky shows this by presenting the consequences that came hand in hand with the affair she had with former president, Bill Clinton. After the news of the affair broke on the internet, the story rapidly became worldwide news. The media quickly took a stand on the story, turning the blame on Monica and humiliating her, this impacted her entire life for many years; Monica reveals that she just recently has completely accepted her naive choices. Sean Redmond’s book, Celebrity and the Media, helps to explain the consequences of fame and why the media reacts the way it does. Media feeds off stories like Monica’s; due to how extensively …show more content…

Monica had to go as far as leaving the country to find a job after the affair; however, the humiliation followed her and the only action she could take was persistent resistance. Nevertheless, Monica Lewinsky has recently become more of an influential figure in society; the impact of the humiliation she faced helped her find a new calling. Now after almost two decades, she hopes to help other victims of cyberbullying by sharing her story. After the scandal, Monica struggled to find work; her history made giving her any position involving the press “too risky”. She quickly realized that she would not be able to find traditional employment again after facing a considerable amount of rejection from many potential employers although she was more than qualified for each position. Monica was a vastly talked about subject put up for national discussion on the internet, this was the cause of her constant rejection. In a struggle to search for her identity, Monica becomes an attributed celebrity. An attributed celebrity, as defined by Sean Redmond’s Celebrity and the Media, is a celebrity who gain fame by attracting attention from the media; Monica gained attention from the media through her affair. Everyone knew who she was after this scandal, she became one of the most familiar names that could be brought up in conversation. She was often regarded as a "bimbo, slut, and ‘that

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