Winesburg Ohio Analysis

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Leaving one 's home is an inevitable life experience that everyone has to go through once, willingly or not. In “Winesburg, Ohio” by Sherwood Anderson (1919), the protagonist George Willard is getting ready to leave his hometown, Winesburg, for the city and boards on the train quickly after parting with his father and his peers. George seems excited to pursue his dreams but aloof about his departure.
In this extract, the main themes that emerge are the unmissable departure of George, hence a new adventure and unpredictable future, and his past, a background half left behind. The main focus of this extract is the departure of George Willard of his hometown. Different aspects of that departure can be seen throughout the whole extract. For …show more content…

On the contrary, he is rather eager to take the trip « he scampered hurriedly aboard » (l.23/4) « he looked out of the window and was surprised to see that the train was still in Winesburg » (l.53/6). At no point does he express worry or regret, proving that leaving is something he wanted and awaited. He shows a certain sense of adventure, as « the uncertainty of his future life in the city » (l.62/3) doesn 't cross his mind : he is willing to face the unknown without fear, only anticipation, even though he is taking a risk. Moreover, while he is getting ready for his trip, his mind is full with dreams of his new life, dreams that are never detailed ; as well as his purpose. Throughout the extract, the lexical field of trains is omnipresent, yet his destination is only mentioned three times, and modestly called « the city » (l.34, 48, 63). It becomes clear that, for George Willard, the departure in itself is what truly matters, and not where he is headed : more than a simple trip, he is getting on a journey, towards his future …show more content…

All things considered, George leaving his hometown behind not only mean a new departure and new adventures for him, but also a new opportunity to leap towards his future. His awaited departure is indeed a major turning point in his life, as it is shown by the numerous people parting him goodbye or his impatience for the train to leave the station and to go forward for his dreams. As he leaves his hometown, he leaves his past, including his father, his peers and even Helen White, behind him who will only become the canvas ' background of his yet unknown