Summary Of Should Women Be Allowed To Serve In Combat By Diane Henningfeld

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Diane Andrews Henningfeld edited Should Women Be Allowed to Serve in Combat in the U.S Armed Forces, the purpose for writing this book gave the reader reasons why women should be in the army and how they should get what they deserve for playing a part in the war. In the opening lines it states “Women have been fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the United States Army since the Republic’s beginnings undisputable historic facts.” This sentence tells us that the author is really bias toward women in the army.
In introducing the book, Diane Henningfeld tells of us about how women should be in the U.S Army. She tells how women have been fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with men and how many social conservatives have been complaining loudly about the fact that women are in the army in general. She talks about giving women credit and giving them more training to defend themselves in more than one way like with hand-to-hand combat and firearms and how women should be equal partners with the men in the armed forces.
Women have been fighting side by side with men for years. Due to them being women, people think that women are only good for cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their children. It seems that women …show more content…

In chapter 2, she tells us about a women named Phyllis Schlafly, a lawyer and a conservative political analyst, who often writes on women’s issues. She states “Placing women in units collocated with ground combat units is a violation of law. Women themselves do not want to be placed in combat units, and it is only ambitious feminists who want the law to be changed. Women are not physically capable of the demands of combat; thus, their presence on the battlefield endangers the troops and diminishes combat readiness. It is also likely that placing women in combat will make it more difficult to recruit male