Summary Of Shrimp Peeling Sheds In Thailand

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The article by AP “Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves” is an article you want to yell from rooftops for everyone to know about, so that they can act right now. The article describes the inhumane circumstances the modern-day slaves “working” in shrimp peeling sheds in Thailand have to bear. Through a touching story and various shocking facts, the authors disclose these illegal practices and illustrate how the products easily infiltrate the supply chains of a lot of the big U.S food corporations. The authors tell the story of one of the slaves and make it intertwine along with the factual information provided. This way the reader is more in tune with the strident feelings these people might be experiencing. The constant references to the story keep the reader engaged and motivated to continue reading. The detailed descriptions of all characters and their current situation make it hard for the reader not to put herself in their shoes. The reader now feels involved in what is happening, creating an unconscious attachment between herself and the characters. This makes the article have an even bigger impact. Whenever a turnaround happens in the story, the reader feels personally victimized. …show more content…

The powerful and strong diction used right from the beginning of the article has the effect of creating unsettling thoughts and images that influences one’s reaction during and after reading the article. Words such as “threat”, “beaten”, “aching” and “guts” immediately set the pressing tone of the article. Questions such as “ Am I an indirect agent encouraging these horrific practices?” arise, playing with one’s conscience. The reader is appalled further when the names of extremely familiar companies are mentioned. This again contributes to making the reader feel connected to the