Summary Of So You Ve Been Publicly Shamed By Jon Ronson

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Reading the book So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson shows the reader how one-person life can transform into something they could have never asked for after being shamed. When a person is a victim of a shaming like Justine Sacco, Max Mosley, Adria Richards, and Jonah Lehrer each one of these individuals handled being shamed in a different way. When you are shamed it can either go two ways you lose everything you have worked hard for in life or you can make a comeback from your shaming after a while of hiding out. Many victims who are shamed first realize what they said or their actions were misunderstood by others and they did not intend for someone else to think of it in that perspective. Sometimes the victim is not aware their actions …show more content…

Justine Sacco in Ronson’s book was referred to as a racist just like Paige was being called. Some advice I would give Paige as of right now would be not to let her expulsion in school lead her to forget about other experiences she would like to explore. After Justine shaming happened she said “I thought that if I was going to be in this fucking terrible situation I should get something out of it, or at least try to make the most of it and help people learn” (201). She flew to Ethiopia to help take care of sick people. If you ever had something you wanted to do but unfortunately school holding you back this would be the perfect time for you to go out and do it. You should take a break for this setback while going to do something positive from it. Like Justine eventually had a opportunity to comeback from this setback maybe you will be able to come back from your journey and be accepted by a different university. Which means you would be able to finish school and get your …show more content…

Max was caught in a sex situation which was factored in with his childhood because his parents were friends with Hitler. Max stated “I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself and what remains is bestial” (143). Since you are now known as being a racist many things are going to be taken away from you. As in your senior year which was taken away from you and maybe some friends along with family member who might not want to be associated with you because of what you said. Now a possibility for you could be is to regain your status but by earning it back it will not be given it you. I’m glad that you already went out of your way to tell others “we accept that there will be people who won’t forgive us, ask anyone who knows us, we are the most accepting and least racist people.” Admitting that you are wrong is the first step in moving ahead I believe. This will be helpful in your recovery process. Although you can also not let the shaming get to you. You are entilited to ignore everyone critizing your