Summary Of So You Ve Been Publicly Shamed By Jon Ronson

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In the Book, So You've Been Publically Shamed, by Jon Ronson he shows many aspects of peoples lives that have been affected by public shaming; including himself. What Ronson is trying to do is persuade people into believing that public shaming is a terrible thing for a person to endure. But what needs to be recognized is that, is public shaming really something people must do to get their point across? In some peoples mind yes it is, in others not so much. So that's what Ronson is wanting us to see, that public shaming is something that shouldn't be used in our society but we do it anyway because it makes people get attacked on a broader spectrum. So, by Ronson writing this book he is implying that all public shaming is bad and never should happen to anyone. On the other hand, if Ronson would have never been a victim of public shaming he might have a different view on the situations. Which is questionable because when he shamed the men who shamed him, in Ronsons mind it was just retaliation and nothing more. Even though he did something to someone that he never wanted to happen to himself. Which is why, Ronson does make a good argument that public shaming isn't necessary but we do it back to the person so they feel the pain that we all felt as well. …show more content…

Now what is ironic about this story is that Richards felt the need to prove a point about how disgusting some men can be while around women. But her actions caused Hank to get fired which then started a whirl wind of hate from people towards Richards, that resulted in her becoming the center of a public shaming epidemic. Now that sets up again why Ronson shows that public shaming isn't necessary and doesn't solve any ones problems because eventually everything is going to come back and bite someone in the