Summary Of Starchild Skull By Lloyd Pye

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The “Starchild skull”, a skull that is said to be that of a male child, is a skull that is supposed to have been discovered in the 1930s in Mexico. The child’s skull is larger than the average human adult, but it is comprised of the typical bones of the skull, accompanied by all the features such as muscle attachments found in humans. However, it reveals substantial deformities. The back of the skull is flattened and there is understood to be no anterior sinuses. However, because of its apparent deformities, it is alleged to be somatic evidence for a deceased alien or hybrid alien. These claims are presented by Lloyd Pye, an author (not an archaeologist), who is the “custodian” of the skull. Pye has managed all admittance to the remains, and he has even hired his own geneticist to perform DNA testing. Since DNA testing has begun, Pye has presented testimony for his case, in which the skull would be that of an alien. …show more content…

For example, in reference to the flattening of the skull, some cultures have practiced skull deformation, it is not unheard of. In the video, Pye presents results of the DNA examinations done by his geneticist and the process even confirmed that some of the DNA is from a human. Nevertheless, Pye is only strong to endorse, that some of the DNA manufactured no substantial similarities; He twists this result into a claim that it is an entirely alien child, born to a human

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