Summary Of Susan Abulhawa's Mornings In Jenin

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Ironically, the displacement of Palestinians, from the late 19th century forwards, is in turn removing the scattering of Jews with the State of Israel. Thus, Palestinians have to turn elsewhere, to become refugees and immigrants in other countries. Susan Abulhawa’s first novel Mornings In Jenin explores the 4 generations of a single Palestinian family, the Abulhejas, who existed before Israel was established in Palestine in the 1960s. In the small village of Ein Hod, Susan starts with a prominent farm and house owner, Yehja and Basima Abulheja, with their two sons – Hasan and Darweesh. Hasan weds a Bedouin girl, Dalia. The next generation continued as Dalia has Yousef first and an infant Ismael, who would be taken away by a Zionist soldier. Later, after several years in Jenin as refugees in their own land, Hasan and Dalia have a daughter – Amal, “with a long vowel of hope.” Despite other narrators, she is the main narrator, voicing the history she knew about her …show more content…

Israelis now inhabit their ancestral lands and have violently displaced this population of Arabs, causing diaspora. As Susan Abulhawa is a diasporic Palestinian herself, the novel Mornings In Jenin is an understandably hard-to-read narrative of a fictionalized but realistic Palestinian family – all who suffer from being extradited from their own familial homes and cities, only to become a refugee on their own land or in countries far away. The concept of diaspora has been also a sensitive issue with Jewish people, thus motioned to create the state of Israel, over another populated country. Abulhawa’s experience was reflected onto these characters, particularly Hasan and Amal, both of which were not able to find a permanent and secure place to call home, harnessing her feelings of diaspora that would make many people understand the feeling of displacement and unjustified