Summary Of Tecumseh And The Quest For Indian Leadership

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Carolyn Hook Professor Menzing History 117 MW 5:30 pm July 30, 2017 Tecumseh Using the book written by R. David Edmunds titled Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership will be looking at Tecumseh’s life as a warrior along with how he became a leader. In reading the first chapters of this book written by Mr. Edmunds, he talks about the early life of Tecumseh with his family. In the family Tecumseh was the fifth child born to his parents; he had several brothers as well as sisters. In about 1774 in an attack at Point Pleasant, his father Puckeshinwa died at the hands of the British which left a large void in the family's life. The older children along with some of the tribe's people tried to help provide for the family by giving them food, …show more content…

The British sent supplies also weapons to the Indians to help them to be able to fight if they needed to. Tecumseh along with his brother kept up campaigning for more tribes to join them; they fought a few scrimmages. Then Governor Harrison was able to have the Indians sign another treaty with the Americans promising them a few dollars along with an annuity for their land. Tecumseh, along with his brother walked out of the meeting they would not sign the agreement also begged the others not to sign it. This treaty did not solve anything for Tecumseh, he along with his warriors would not lay down their arms. Harrison sent a man named Brouillette to speak to invite him to a meeting but to only bring a limited party with him. Harrison, Brouillette, as well as Tecumseh, could not agree on anything in the treaty. So Tecumseh went back up the Ohio Valley also the great lakes region trying to pull the tribes to come together to fight for the reason Harrison told him there would be a fight along with war. While Tecumseh is away, Harrison goes to Prophetstown to destroy it. But before Harrison could work to destroy the village Tecumseh’s brother tries to outsmart Harrison so that the Indians could start the fight first, but it backfired, so Harrison was able to destroy the town as well as the village of Prophetstown. That is when Tecumseh wages war with the Americans. Tecumseh had fought in the war of 1812 with the British, but when it came time for the battle of the Thames also is the fight with Harrison, the British left him on his own to fight Harrison. Tecumseh had a vision; he would die in the struggle when the battle was declared over; he had died. The leaders decided that considering his body lay in the area that Johnson had fought, it

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