As legal forms of discrimination were dismantled in the United States, racism and segregation patterns remained enforced through other means, such as suburbanization and federal housing policies. Private parties such as political parties, businesses and unions created their own Jim Crow arrangements, excluding blacks from purchasing homes in certain neighborhoods, from shopping or working in certain stores, even from working at certain trades. Methods such as redevelopment projects, public housing programs, public improvement projects and urban renewal policies were maintain to maintain racial segregation. Housing segregation in the U.S. developed slowly and deliberately. In fact, prior to 1900, African Americans had been spread widely throughout …show more content…
The Federal Housing Administration adopted the method of "red-lining," a discriminatory rating system used by the FHA to assess the risks associated with loans made to people in specific urban neighborhoods. The degree, at which "red-lining" began, consisted of working class neighborhoods near black neighborhoods that were within such a low price or rent range as to attract an undesirable element. Property purchased by blacks eventually decreases in value as the whites move out, leaving inferior schools and community services as the lasting consequences. Language played a critical role in the continued practice of racial segregation because it was no longer a ‘Negro problem’ but now an Urban …show more content…
He discusses the white men coming in and controlling the economy in black communities. He also discusses political oppression, economic exploitation and social degradation of the black communities. Malcolm X states “if the white man can control the economy then they allow the strengthening of white communities and the weakening of the black communities”. The political and economic philosophy of Black Nationalism will help blacks see the importance of expanding small black businesses until they strengthen their own