Summary Of The Barefoot By Christopher Leonard

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In Mr. Leonard’s book he talks about the poultry business being a mess. The question is Racket or partnership? And I believe it is a partnership. Both parties have their ups and downs but that is business. This partnership helps keep the meat prices down and the food safe.

The poultry industry has really spiked over the last 40 years and has taken the lead over beef and pork production. One of the companies that have been behind the big push for poultry is the company Tyson. There have been people who have fought against the Tyson Company in the past. One of the largest critics is Christopher Lenard who wrote a book titled The Meat Racket. In which he describes what he perceives to be what is going wrong with the poultry industry and he puts …show more content…

In which the company supplies the chickens and the feed to the farmer and the farmer raises the chickens. The article stated that sometimes the chickens “don’t show up”. The opposing article states that there are thousands of farmer that are very happy with the set up they have and if Mr. Leonard had went out of his way in writing his book and had spoken to any one of them he would have got a totally different story. The book claims that the farmers can lose lots by this process. I believe that is the chance the farmers take to even go into a contract with Tyson. No one is making them it is a personal choice. Certainly they should be treating the farmers honestly and …show more content…

Leonard’s book he talks about the poultry business being a mess. The question is Racket or partnership? And I believe it is a partnership. Both parties have their ups and downs but that is business. This partnership helps keep the meat prices down and the food safe.

I beleive that the chicken that is sold in stores should be affordable, and it should also be safe for us. The partner ship that goes on in this contract farming, makes this kind of combination possible. In the partnership that is created, both parties should be a good buisness partner to the other. I think it important to communicate with the farmers while they are the people willing to make this partnership. They are the ones who help the chicken indstry so much and are a vital asset and should be treated as much.

They should be treated as though they are a vital asset. If they have signed a contract with the company they shoud have the chickens delivered to them on time and however many they had aggreed on. They should be givin the amount of feed nessesary and any other supplies they are intitled under the contract to give. If the company would be willing to cooroperate good with the farmers and farmers good with the company then i think there would be a better partnership between them. I think it would make the pultry buisness run