Summary Of The Book Borders Thomas King

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Introduction: In the book Borders, Thomas King has portrayed a challenge of identity that First Nations people experience in the course of colonization, demonstrating how cultural boundaries create divisions among families and communities. The story Borders by Thomas King, reflects the idea of how European colonists destroyed the First Nation Identity and how their land and history were stolen by this event. The “Borders” talk about a “Blackfoot” mother and her son who face challenges between Canada and the United States border because they refuse to identify themselves as anything other than “Blackfoot”. The mother is very serious about her culture, heritage and background and refuses to identify as anything else. In this part of the story, we can see how borders create obstacles for First Nations peoples. In this post I will be explaining Borders from a Marxist, historical and …show more content…

This occurs when the officials inquire with the woman, “Any firearms or tobacco?” (Borders 135 - Thomas King) to which the woman replied, “No,” (Borders 135 - Thomas King) but emphatically asserts “Blackfoot” for citizenship. Moreover, there is the demonstration of economic constructiveness of the family throughout the story and their trip. The fact that they have to sleep in a car means that there is poor economic status of the indigenous peoples as a sign of bigger issues. Here King draws attention to this realization when he says: “The car was not very comfortable, but we did have all that food and it was April, so even if it did snow as it sometimes does on the prairies, we wouldn’t freeze” (Borders 140 - Thomas King). Such an observation not only captures the interaction of classes in their predicament but also stresses deficiency and barriers of Indigenous people Otherness within the colonial framework Please reflect this in your

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