Summary Of The Film 'Ms Campbell-Inuk Teacher'

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Films have undeniable cultural significance to the Indigenous people of Canada. Their stories can be passed down to illustrate their significance to be upheld and help the viewer ascertain the historical, cultural, and story-telling aspects of Indigenous culture in a way that’s easy for the viewer to acknowledge and respect. An excellent example of the undeniable cultural importance films have for the First Nations Peoples of Canada is the film Ms Campbell - Inuk Teacher. The film follows Heather Campbell and her granddaughter Evelyn Campbell. It examines Heather’s time in the genocidal and hellish residential schools after her father’s passing, up until when she started teaching in her community of Rigolet, Newfoundland and Labrador. A second …show more content…

Furthermore, by actively following the first peoples principles of learning, shows that learning recognizes the role of Indigenous knowledge, because knowledge - no matter what kind, is extremely important to humanity as a whole. It can even be argued that Indigenous knowledge is more important than knowledge now, as Indigenous knowledge has been here for generations longer than history written by that of modern history, and is important to humanity as it gives insight into what life was like and what traditions and cultures existed and thrived many years before modern history was taking …show more content…

What’s meant by that is with the protection and preservation of Indigenous culture, but at the same time, there should be measures and protocols that take effect so that it’s not viewed by people as appropriating their culture and alienating the actual meaning of protecting and preserving Indigenous culture. This point fits perfectly with the principle of learning, which is “Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations.” This point connects to the principle of learning, because learning is diverse in the sense that while it is good to learn about a topic and/or topics, there should be the care in taking caution that some learning and knowledge is not for the average person to see or hear, as certain sacred practices and topics are things that should be treated with the utmost respect for Indigenous culture and