
Summary Of The Hiding Place By Corrie Ten Boom

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The Hiding Place is a 1971 biographical book written by Corrie ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill. The idea of a book on Corrie ten Boom’s life began as John and Elizabeth Sherrill were doing research for their book, God’s Smuggler. As they were doing their research the name Corrie ten Boom kept cropping up. They realized that they could not fit her into God’s Smuggler because she sounded like a book in herself. John and Elizabeth met with Corrie several times in which they really got to know who Corrie ten Boom was. Subsequently, they began writing The Hiding Place, which is a biography of the life of Corrie and her family who were active in the underground movements to save Jews from Nazis during the Nazi occupation of Holland. The …show more content…

Many people were arrested, including Corrie, Betsie, Nollie and father and then brought to the federal penitentiary, but the Jews in the hiding place in the Beje remained safe. Nollie was released, father died, and Betsie and Corrie remained in the prison due to their close ties with the underground movement. Betsie and Corrie were first brought to a prison of barracks called Vught and then moved to Ravensbruck, a women's concentration camp, in Germany. Even though they were put into these concentration camps they continued to resist by spreading their faith and believing that God had a plan. Eventually, Betsie passed away, but not before telling Corrie of her visions. Betise said that they would be released by New Years, and they would find a place to help Jews and Germans after the war. It all came true starting with Corrie being released from Ravensbruck on New Years. Then when Corrie got home, Mrs.Bierens de Haan, who owned a beautiful fifty-six room mansion in Holland offered her house for those who have been damaged by concentration life. Finally, Corrie opened a former concentration camp in Darmstadt to the nine million Germans who were in need of a home. Corrie went through hard times, but she always kept her faith in God, and she …show more content…

Additionally, The Hiding Place is very important to read because it shows that during the war and Hitler’s reign, there were still people resisting knowing the consequences they may endure. Another aspect this book covers is the role of religion during this time and the idea that all young men were also endangered to be taken to work in a munitions factory. Without books, such as The Hiding Place, and people to read them the extent of the war and the Holocaust would not be

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