
Summary Of The Innocent By David Baldacci

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The Innocent by David Baldacci is a murder mystery novel that follows the life of Robbie Will over a period of a couple of months. To evaluate the effectiveness of Baldacci’s writing, it is important to examine how Baldacci uses the hatred that other countries and citizens feel towards the United States to motivate characters to commit the murders, how the author weaves together the murders in the novel, and how the character Talal adds intrigue and confusion to Robbie discovering the truth about Talal’s true intentions. The Innocent written by David Baldacci, is a novel about a government assassin named Robbie, his job is to kill whoever he is told to kill, and he does this without question. That is until he was told to kill a woman named Jane Wind. While in the process of making the hit, Robbie changed his mind. As a …show more content…

Elizabeth found out that her husband was dealing with Talal and since she was loyal to her country, she decided to tell Leo Broome who later told Rick Wind, Sara and Curtis Getty, after confronting George. When George found out that Elizabeth told Leo about his plan, he told Talal. “…Talal’s people had Broome put under surveillance. Broome told both Rick Wind and the Getty’s. That signed their death certificates (Baldacci 413).” Since Talal wanted so badly to assassinate the president and the prince, he had everyone Leo told murdered in cold blood. This all commenced because of the fixed hate Talal, Annie Lambert and George Van Beuren had towards the U.S. and Baldacci used this hate to create motive for these charters to commit these murders/acts of terror. This gives a North American reader further insight to the hate that other countries and citizens have towards the United States and this is important because it helps the reader connect with the novel, which therefore makes a successful novel, that has a higher ability to connect with its

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