Summary Of The Locavore's Dilemma

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Eating only food from local farms and businesses sounds great. Right? But have you ever stopped to think the negatives to this plan. If we only eat and buy things from around our area we are extremely limited on to what you can buy. Christophe Pelletier warns readers in his essay the “Locavore’s Dilemma” that only buying these things from the local area will prove to be detrimental to society. The term “locavore” is used in this essay to refer to the trend of “eating locally produced food” (Pelletier 703). If society only follows the locavore movement it will cause lots of problems throughout the world. Pelletier informs his readers that the world will be very different than it is today if society followed the 100-mile rule and alternatives to this rule when reducing the carbon footprint.
Pelletier uses many examples to portray his views of the locavore movement. Most of his examples are based out of Vancouver, British Columbia because there are many supporters of the locavore movement that live there. If this area followed the ideologies of the locavores movement the area would only use foods that are at most 100-miles away. Doing this will lead to a very different lifestyle then people are currently accustomed to. He shows that there will be a …show more content…

Then again, the locavores 100-mile rule will not fix the problem. It will set the world back maybe hundreds of years because there will be no way to get the products each area needs. Especially with the population and land differences in each area. In the future there should be some changes made to help this problem but not through limiting the people’s opportunity for products in other