Summary Of The Movie 'Classic' Jaws

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The 1975 thriller Classic ‘’Jaws’’ was a major hit when it first hit the cinemas achieve mean awards and going down is history as a great thriller classic. The Jaws trailer played a major role in how the movie was depicted and what made people want to go see the movie when it was released as it shows many of the techniques that hook and capture the audience’s attention and leave them with wanting more. This trailer uses key codes and conventions of making a thriller film with the hope that each of the aspects that are used will engage the audience leaving them in suspense and wanting more.
The Jaws trailer starts off as if you were under water swimming like shark with a slow crescendo of music to make the scene dramatic and a build up to the angle of the camera seeing the treading legs of a girl swimming, and then a fast cut shot to her in a panic scream and going under. While this scene is taking place, there is a deep male voice over depicting the shark, describing it in a killer way ‘’It lives to kill, a mindless eating machine, it will attack and devour, anything’’-(Jaws trailer 1975). This I a great technique of using shadows and low cut lighting as when under water it is dark and gives a chilling feel as if the viewers are a …show more content…

All these different shots are only there for a few seconds only allowing the viewer to see a little part of the film that they want, leaving them on the edge of their seats wanting more and creating suspense to see what will happen next. Throughout the short film these camera angles are all still used with towards the end of the short film many of the scenes become short sharp and fast, which makes the viewer to feel all the tension that is happening and the feel that something is going wrong or that there is a strong sense of