Summary Of The Movie 'Telemachus'

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Prince Telemachus, whom scholars sometimes call the "Telemacheia," is a good example of an early coming-of-age story. Telemachus is not in the movie as much until after he is a young man. Telemachus, about 21 years old, is on the verge of manhood. He is in doubt and unsure of himself in his potential power. He is also in grave threat from the suitors there for his mother who would prefer to see him dead. I actually thought they would kill Telemachus and was quite surprised to see that they did not.
In the beginning of Telemachus’ efforts to get rid of the suitors, he asserts himself by calling a congregation of Ithaca 's leaders in order to dispute the suitors ' activities. Although he speaks well at the assembly and impresses some of the