Summary Of The Novel 'The Rid' By Cormac Mccarthy

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THE ROAD, written by Cormac McCarthy, is a dystopian novel in which examples of altruism and selfishness are displayed. In the novel a man and his son venture through a post-apocalyptic world heading west seeking shelter and scavenging for provisions, the two face many hardships and experience the horrors of a dehumanized society. John H Miller a research professor of the Santa Fe Institute has brought the profound question into thought asking, “Are we fundamentally altruistic or selfish?” Each side of this question could be argued as THE ROAD provides substantial evidence that could support both positions equally. Fighting for survival, the man and the boy are written so that they exhibit the last few forms of altruism, shown in their actions as they trek through their corrupt and chaotic world. Struggling to survive in the harsh setting of THE ROAD, being altruistic is not always possible and …show more content…

By limiting their assistance to others they increase their chances of survival. Although the characters experience even the most horrific events and harsh circumstances, McCarthy is still able to create his characters so that they show examples of altruism in their cruel environment. (TRANSI) At a young age the boy proves to be altruistic as he offers a stranger food, “Take it, he whispered. Here. The old man raised his eyes and looked at the boy. He gestured at him with the tin. He looked like someone trying to feed a broken vulture broken in the road.” (163), XXXXXXX. Not knowing the man’s identity or intentions the boy continues to be adamant and help the elderly stranger by giving him food and (showing compassion.) The boy’s act of altruism is then passed on as the father invites the same stranger to eat with them. (Comparing the stranger to a vulture proves to be further affective as a vulture is a bird that feeds on the