Summary Of The Novel 'The Wednesday Wars'

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3885 Wednesday Wars March “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”- Winston Churchill. In the novel The Wednesday Wars, by Gary D. Schmidt, the protagonist, Holling Hoodhood, has a friend named Mai Thi from a Vietnam, she is a refugee. Mrs. Bigio, a teacher from their school, Camillo Junior High, got news from the war saying her husband was supposedly dead. She was determined to find a way for her sorrow to disappear, by accusing Mai Thi for this treachery. Although, Mrs. Bigio thought this, it was not true. After time passed, Mrs. Bigio soon adjudicated, that she isn’t a despicable human being. She is just a young girl, who had to come to another country and became a refugee. Once Mrs. Bigio noticed people teasing Mai