Summary Of The Pleasure Of Eating By Wendell Berry Essay

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In Wendell Berry’s essay, “The Pleasure of Eating” he argues that consumers should eat responsibly. “ One reason to eat responsibly is to live free ( Berry 7 ) Berry’s argument says that food involves politics, like any politics involves our freedom. He believes that food companies are controlling our diet. Therefore, taking away our freedom to choose the food we want as compared to the food we can afford. Freedom is being able to choose or neglect something you want or do not want. Wendell Berry is trying to point out that food companies have taken away our freedom in what we eat, and I agree with Wendell Berry’s argument. Food companies have taken away our freedom by controlling the food market and what we are able to buy at grocery stores. It is more affordable for many families to go to a fast food chain to buy …show more content…

“Most big food companies, despite some promises to offer healthier foods and in some cases to limit marketing in schools, deny that they are to blame for the epidemic of excess weight. They insist that sedentary behavior, a lack of exercise, and poor supervision and eating habits are responsible.” (Barboza 11) These big food companies are not taking responsibility for what they have caused with their advertisement targeting children. Taking away our freedom of having the information of how and where our food is raised has caused an epidemic of obesity with in our children and young adults. Without this necessary information to know what we are consuming at an everyday basis, it has controlled our diets. Food companies are taking control of our food system as a whole and not letting us, as consumers know the truth of how our food is being processed. They hide their ways from the public and do numerous of things that would concern the consumer of how our food is being

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