Summary Of The Poem Bright Lights Of Sarajevo

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The poem disabled is saying that consequences of war are that it makes you regret your choices and it creates the illusion that it was the right choice. The poem bright lights of Sarajevo is saying that the consequences of war are that no one has an identity, everyone has to do everything in secret; however the worst war can bring out the best in people, like love.
The poet suggests that war can change you and make you forget who you really are while it is creating and illusion that you are becoming braver. The poet creates this sense by saying “he lost his colour far from here, poured it down the shell holes until his veins ran dry”. Clearly this quote shows that during the war he saw so much that that it changed his whole way in seeing the world, all of the things that he once loved he just forgot and his whole world became a disappointment. The reader probably has sympathy for the then man at the moment because he is disabled, not loved by people and dependent on others, however once they read on they find out that the only reason he went to war was to impress the girls and to try and look good in the soldier’s uniform. The phrase “smiling they wrote his lie”, shows that the officers probably knew that he wasn’t 18 however they still needed recruits and anyone who wanted to go, got signed up. This also means that the officer would have been able to save this boy’s as he knew that the boy had lied. “younger that his youth, last year. Now he is old” this shows that the poet