The Slopes of War written by N.A. Perez follows a historical fictional story that follows the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War, which is also told by different characters of the battle: the Union and the Confederacy. The story utilizes many historical facts pertaining to the battle, even including dialogues from Union and Confederate characters, using locations in Gettysburg, and including real life characters that were in the military during the battle. Unlike many historical fictional novels about war that only show one side of the battle, the story is written in different perspectives from both different sides of the battle, the Union and the Confederacy. Let’s take a look at how the two perspectives affect how the story is told, …show more content…
This can be exemplified from page 151, “He has never before, in any battle, heard such a collision of sound. Crews worked mechanically, obediently, all parts of one devastating machine. For three days the battle had been building pressure, and now it was hissing hot, boiling over, a whistling kettle of fury.” This excerpt from the perspective of a Union Army Lieutenant portrays how violent the battle was in Gettysburg, with such a loud and violent cacophony around a Union Lieutenant and chaos amid the violence. One other example of how the two different perspectives give the audience a more detailed account of the battle is from page 135, “A line of Union sharpshooters stepped out from under the trees. Custis heard his own sharp cough of surprise, felt his bare feet splay from under him, thought Bekah, and was gone.” The author’s inclusion off the downfall of a Confederate Soldier, Buck, shows how violent the troops were to one another, as they were all two opposing parties involved in a violent skirmish against each other- each one fighting for their beliefs and the honor of defending of what they call