Anne Fadiman’s book, “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” tells the story of a young Hmong Child, Lia Lee, living in America. Lia has various medical ailments, including epilepsy, and there is a big cultural clash and confusion between the American medical staff and the Lee family’s beliefs. This book provides a holistic representation of ethics and ethical dilemmas, particularly relating to culture and respecting other cultures. This book gave me insight on what can really occur in complex ethical dilemmas with cultural differences present. The ethical dilemmas involved medical professionals, social workers, translators, and the family. It is crucial to be communicative and respectful as an educator. Having respect and working with different …show more content…
Part of cultural competency is “openness, appreciation, and respect for cultural differences” as well as “a view of intercultural interactions as learning opportunities” (Barrera, I., Corso, R., & Macpherson, T. D, pg. 1). 33, 2003). I believe that many of the medical professionals could have shown more respect to Lee’s and Hmong culture. I also believe that they should have used it as a learning experience. The Lee’s are not the only Hmong people in that area. If there is a specific culture that you may repeatedly encounter, taking time to learn about said culture will be extremely important and beneficial. Not only will it enable you to do your job as a professional better, but it will also help people of diverse backgrounds and cultures feel more welcome and understood by you. Reading this book and learning about Lia Lee and her family has given me a new perspective on ethical practice, dilemmas, and helped me learn about different cultures. First, I learned that it is critical to look at what you say and what you do from a holistic perspective. In chapter thirteen, Lia’s father, Nao Kao, signs paperwork after deciding to discharge