Summary Of To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1-5

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Scout was sick and tired of Mann Co. Bar. Why did he have to dance around on the stage half-dressed? He was a warrior, a fighter, a soldier, not some prissy piece of tail for girls to goggle over. He lost a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors one crucial time and was stuck being the dancer for Ladies’ Night. It was the third time he was being told to get up on stage that night and he wasn’t having it. He wouldn’t dance for a bunch of strangers he didn’t know.

“You know who would look great dancing without their shirt on? Pyro. That whole gasmask thing - MMMN! - the ladies dig the ambiguity,” Scout tried.

Demoman and Heavy laughed heartily from behind the bar. Demo cleaned a shot glass with a towel.

“You lost. Fair is fair,” said Heavy, wiping a tear from his eye.

“Look, laddie, if it makes ye feel better we can dim …show more content…

“Hahaha - ahh.. Alrightie. I’ll ask Sniper or Soldier to switch with ye then,” said Demo.

Just then Spy backed up into Scout while chuckling at something a guest said.

Scout whipped around and spat, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” but all his irritation instantly melted away when he saw the guest Spy had been entertaining was Miss Pauling in a purple peplum dress.

He smoothed his hair back with his hand. “Hey there, Miss Pauling. You look--” he glanced over at Spy for guidance who mouthed an adjective to him, “--radishing.” Spy hit his face but Scout didn’t see any bugs around. “What are you doing here tonight?” Scout asked.

Miss Pauling laughed a bit. “The Administrator suggested I keep an eye out. I'm not sure how much longer I'll intrude. I'm just making my rounds," she said.

Scout saw an opportunity to impress the woman of his dreams and he spoke before thinking, "Well if you decide to stay after you finish your 'rounds', tonight's entertainment is on me and I've prepared something sweet!"

She laughed, "Maybe I'll stay awhile, it is the weekend after all." She gave him a genuine