
Summary Of Wanda Coleman's Dilemma

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In life, just about every one will face some sort of decision. With decision come the consequences for each side of the decision. Consequences that sometimes have no correct option to choose, but will cause a good or bad resolution. This is what happened in Wanda Coleman’s short story, “Eyes and Teeth.” The narrator is faced with a dilemma of either to face or ignore her aunts racist comment and her mother's actions to the comment. The racist comment was even to the aunts own son, or the narrator's cousin, and the narrator's mother did nothing about it. The narrator did the right thing by being silent because confronting the adults could have hurt many relationship. Considering that her family relationship were everything to her, and how the …show more content…

Which created fear that caused her to be quite which led her to doing the right thing. The narrator gained the hate and shame because of her aunt, “I was filled with powerful hate for the woman. She thought better than us because she was high yellow and closer to being white”(p.2). Her aunt had shown how racist she actually was during this part. In addition showed how their wasn't anything that would get in the way of her thoughts. Which game the narrator fear that helped keep her quiet, allowing for the narrator to keep the knowledge of her and Buzz hearing the information a secret. Keeping the family relationship together. After that the narrator says how she had thought her mother was better than how she had just acted, as a hypocrite. “My mama had raised us to believe that that way of thinking was sick. And now I was filled with shame”(p.2). This shows how the narrator has been taught to believe in fairness and kindness toward racism, yet her mother doesn’t act with the same kindness so then the narrator knows that her mom is being a hypocrite and that it would be better that she didn't involve her mom. Since she was afraid of what the adults may do to her for listening to their conversations and making a problem out of it, that would break up the …show more content…

Because it took away his innocence and trust from his mother. “I’m so glad this baby didn’t turn out black and ugly like Buzz. I can’t stand to look at nothin’ that black,...” This shows how Buzz’s mother had favoratized her kids based on skin color. By putting Buzz in last place it gave him more of a challenge to do stuff. After finally hearing his mother say that it gave Buzz the initiative to become successful on his own, If the narrator had said something then Buzz could have lost his opportunity to prevail on his own and become a strong person over all. Later in the story it gave a sneak peek of the future in which we find out that Buzz is able to end successful. “Some said he was gay. Some said he had joined up with a black paramilitary group and was doing all kinds of evil, including dope. Then Buzz showed up at the services with a beautiful young wife, two babies, and a new car.” In this quote it shows how no one had believed in Buzz, and thought he was doing all kinds of bad. Yet in reality he was able to be independant and kept strong all thanks to the narrator for keeping quite when the incident first

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