Summary Of With The Old Breed At Peleliu And Okinawa

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With the Old Breed, at Peleliu and Okinawa by E.B. Sledge is a book based on Sledge’s personal memoir of marine infantry combat operations during World War II in the pacific theater. Named as one of America’s heroes in American history E.B. Sledge was a part of the war’s famous 1st Marine Division (3rd Battalion, 5th Marines). It begins with Sledge’s pre-enlistment for the war and his desires to be a part of the combat forces during the war. He goes onto to explain his experiences in boot camp and infantry training. After training intensely in boot camp, he was thrown into the battle of Peleliu shockingly. This battle was known where “the world was a nightmare of flashes, explosions, and snapping bullets.” Once he reached the battle of Okinawa, …show more content…

He first began his journey by enlisting in the Marine Corps in December of 1942 at the Marion Military Institute. Once accepted into the marines Sledge was sent off to boot camp in San Diego where him and his fellow brothers would train for the battle at Peleliu. Their days ranged from 0400-2200, but he goes to explain that they could be woken at any time for a run, rifle inspection, and a close-order drill. When it came to rifle training, the information that was given, was given to every single trainee the exact same way because accuracy played an important factor. Completing boot camp on December 24,1943 Sledge came upon great news that he was an M1 rifle infantry in an M1 division and that he’d be going to Camp Elliot. Once sledge reached this camp he finds it to be to his liking and the environment satisfying. His non-commissioned officers who provided the training were really relaxed, confident and most of all encouraging. His training at Camp Elliot would be revolved around combat tactics and weapon utilization. Throughout his time at infantry training Sledge learns a number of things and holds many leader positions. He specialization became to operate a 60mm Mortar where he gains the experience of his leader positions. He also had to learn how to fight one-on-one and he took a course on knife fighting. His