Kolton Copple
AMC 1020
April 21, 2015
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Restriction of Civil Liberties during the second red scare
Durring the late 1950s after World War two ended a period know as the red scare came about. Even though the the communist party in America faded quickly after World War two Americans still feared communist sympathizers would help the Solvit Union and China commit acts of espionage. During the 1940s, Republican campaigners claimed that Roosevelt, labor union leaders, and other Democrats had communist ties. Democratic politicians meanwhile tried to link Republicans with Hitler and his regime.
The argument prompted national and state officials to initiate loyalty checks to identify and remove from office communist government workers.
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Formed in 1938 allowed The Speaker of the House to appoint a special committee made of seven members for the purpose of conducting investigations. The Committee conducted investigations on the un-American propaganda in the United States also the un-American propaganda that originates from foreign countries and attacks the principle of American capitalistic ways and the free society guaranteed by the Constitution. In October 1947, more than 40 people that had connections to the movie industry were given subpoenas to appear before The House Un-American Activities Committee on suspicion of having communist ties or being involved in “subversive activities”. During the hearings, members of The House Un-American Activities Committee grilled the witnesses about their past and present connections with Communist. The witnesses knew that their answers would ruin their reputation and career so most of the witnesses sought leniency by working with investigators or they would not speak and use their Fifth Amendment right. However, a group of 10 Hollywood screenwriters and directors took a different approach and openly challenged the legitimacy of the committee’s investigations. These men become known as the Hollywood 10, they refused to work with the committee and stated that they were not on trial and could belong to any political party of their choosing according to the 1st amendment. Their plan of action did not go over well and they were held in contempt of congress in November of 1947. After many failed appeals the Hollywood 10 were sentenced to a year in prison and a 1000 dollar fine. While in prison Edward Dmytryk caved in and told the committee of 20 known communist.
In the end the government given punishment was the least of their worries no longer would anyone in Hollywood hire them because no one wanted their work to be associated with the political