Summary: The Effect Of Homelessness On Homeless Children

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Homelessness can have a devastating effect on children. Homeless children are hungry and sick more often, and worry about their family’s situation and future. Even though it’s extremely hard to estimate the amount of homeless children, about 1.4 million students students in the U.S were homeless at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. As expected, homeless children and youth are difficult to count because their living situations frequently change. Some have tried to estimate the extent of the homeless problem in the United States using many methods but they all have their limitations.
There are many reasons why the homeless children population is so high. One of them being that there is such a lack of affordable housing. In Pennsylvania, …show more content…

In 2013 about 48% of sheltered homeless families with children were black, but black families made up only 14% of U.S. families with children. White families however, were under represented. They made up about 54% of families with children while also making up 23% of sheltered homeless families. Hispanics made up 22% of the sheltered homeless population. In 2013, fully 10% of homeless children who spent time in shelters were under the age of one, 39% were between one and five, 33% were between the ages six and twelve, and 18% were teenagers from the ages thirteen to eighteen.Most of the children who were living alone (54%) were female. This is consistent with trends starting in 2009, but before then the majority of the children were males. One in every 30 children in the U.S. is homeless which is an historic high for the united states. From 2012 to 2013, the number of children experiencing homelessness annually in the U.S. has increased by 8% percent …show more content…

There are many ways that we can help prevent youth homelessness so that way no child has to go through there days trying to figure out where they’re going to sleep tonight. Kids are less likely to leave home at all if they get along with their parents. “Cocoon House teaches parenting skills to adults wanting better relationships with their children ages 13 to 17. Coaching is done through confidential phone consultations, support groups and in-home family counseling. Outreach staff reconnect runaway children with their parents when it looks as if strategic help can improve family dynamics.”(5 ways to end youth homelessness). Much more federal, state, and local action is needed before anyone even attempts to completely end homelessness. The federal government needs to expand affordable housing programs, specifically the Section 8 Housing Program. Once back in housing, we need to somehow provide many services for these people. Which would include mental health counseling, child development services, and employment training. All of these services are extremely important for building strong households that have overcome homelessness. Other federal programs, including child care subsidies, child support enforcement also play key roles in ending and preventing homelessness. Federal homeless assistance programs must be funded at levels sufficient enough to address their needs. The