Summary: Universal Health Care In The United States

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The United States of America is the only western industrialized country that does not provide universal health coverage to its citizens. Most health care is financed by a for-profit, minimally regulated private Insurances. 10.4 percent of the United States population, still went without health insurance for the entirety of 2014. Millions more were uninsured for at least part of the year. Most Americans citizens who are not insured is poor, black and Hispanic. In spite of targeting to insure everyone in the United States, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) left remarkable gaps in coverage, and denied many people to access insurances under this law. The government keeps establishing these new programs for people who do not have health care, but most …show more content…

Where this agreement usually ends, however is on the question is health care a right or a privilege. Whereas some are convinced that health care in the United States should be universal and provided to everyone in the state, others maintain that health care should come out of your own pocket and not the state. I always believed that health Insurances should be provided by the state, that everyone has a right to health care. However it has become common to dismiss this idea in the United States, that the government should provide health …show more content…

Over the years we have seen a rise in the Medicare, Medicaid and the Children 's Health Insurances programs, all government programs that provides a right to health insurances has seen a rise since 1985, in that year it totaled less than 10% of the federal budget, but by 2012 these programs took up 21% of the federal budget. Studies have shown that Obamacare will increase the federal deficit by $300-$700 Billion in the first ten years, and could increase the deficit to $1.5 trillion in the second 10 years. If everyone was covered by the universal right to health care than the federal deficit can even larger. I think politicians are mistaken because they look over the fact that by instating Universal health care, it could reduce the administrative cost. According to the American Medical Association, on average, private health insurance plans spend 11.7% of premiums on administrative costs vs. 6.3% spent by public health programs. Therefor you will see a reduction in health care cost, a great example of this is the United Kingdom. A country where everyone has the right to health care, managed to provide health care to all citizens while spending just 41.5% of what the United States did per