Summer 1990 Danah Character Analysis

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In the story Summer 1990 by Firyal Alshalabi, the protagonist, Danah Sa'eed, goes through changes as a dynamic character throughout the story. At the beginning of the story, Danah is portrayed as neglected and self-centered. The first example is when Dannah goes to Aziz's room and asks him to take her to the library because her parents can't, and he says, "Not now. I have a class at the university. I'll take you tomorrow." Then she screams, "I need to go now!" While she slams the top of the monitor with her hand (Alshalabi 4). She asks Aziz to take her to the library when he is clearly doing something, and when he isn't able to, she throws a tantrum and closes his monitor. She is only thinking of herself here. She isn't thinking maybe Aziz …show more content…

An example is when a woman is talking about Iraqis taking women hostage because they were all in on a demonstration and a woman being killed. Danah thinks it might be her mother or sister and asks, "What is the name of the woman who died?" (54). This shows that she now deeply cares for her family and is thinking more about them, hoping to one day see them all together like a happy family. Danah has gone from being self-centered to caring a lot about her family. Even if she is in the desert, sleeping in a tent, she is still thinking about her family, and the entire reason she is there is for them. This shows she is becoming more selfless and caring toward them. Danah is so caring, but her selflessness brings out her short-tempered side. As an example, when Danah talks with the Iraqi on the phone, she says she is Kuwaiti. He says she isn't anymore. She angrily replies," I am Kuwaiti and will always be a Kuwaiti as long as I live. You should be ashamed of yourself and stop being so arrogant. What you've done is wrong." (41). She is really angry at the Iraqi because he says she isn't Kuwaiti anymore, but she screams that she is and will always be a Kuwaiti. The Iraqi is dangerous, and what she did could have caused her or her family to get hurt. It's a war. She shouldn't say anything she wants at any time she wants. She has to wait until Kuwait is not hostage because maybe the Iraqis got mad and, in a